
阿刁 | 跨境&运营&建站


Say something

Here are some daily thoughts that are not worth lengthy discussions.

Coming home from work, opening the door, a scent fills the air. It turns out Li Bai knocked over the sesame oil bottle, and there is sesame oil on the doormat, leaving a fragrant trail wherever you walk. -20240520😓

An Mu Xi (Le Pak) is definitely the dumbest packaging design I have ever seen. Firstly, when you take out the straw, you inevitably need to touch the outside of the straw that will come into contact with the yogurt with your hands. Secondly, you really need to exert a lot of force to insert the straw. Lastly, the straw can only suck out about 10% of the yogurt, you need to flatten the packaging, throw away the straw, and squeeze it hard. Perhaps some people may find this fun, but for me, Fuck U -20240524😡

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